Preparing for labour induction day: Tips and what to keep in mind

Preparing for labour induction day: Tips and what to keep in mind

image source: Unsplash

Preparing for labour induction can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. Despite all the planning, feeling a bit nervous as the day comes is completely normal—even for mums that have gone through the whole thing before.


All in all, it’s a very emotional period of time and the truth is it can feel scary. So, here are some things to keep in mind as well as some tips to help you feel more prepared and confident. 

Understand what’s ahead

Understanding the labour process (and the possible variables that come along with it) definitely helps to calm your nerves. Education, patience and staying flexible when preparing can make your experience smoother and set realistic expectations. For both you and your loved ones. 

Be ready to change plans

So what exactly do we mean by flexible? Well, the original plan may change—the delivery unit might be so busy they need to postpone the start by a few hours. Or, your medical status might change. Or, once your practitioner evaluates your cervix, they might decide on a different induction method (or even combination of methods). And this can repeat over several days depending on how your cervix responds. Or, it may turn out that you are eligible for outpatient ripening. 

The bottom line is this: understanding that things may change—while staying open minded and ready for these possibilities—can put your mind at ease and make the experience much more enjoyable. 

image source: Unsplash

Don’t be afraid to seek support  

Once you find out about all the things you can expect, you can decide on the assistance you need and the role you’d like your loved ones to play. It’s great to communicate your wishes beforehand. 

Speak with your practitioner 

First, consult your healthcare provider about all the details of your induction you want to know. 

Ask them to describe your induction step by step, ask them whether you will undergo cervical ripening (and if so, what are your options), ask them about the expected timeline and any potential changes in the plan, ask about comfort measures and pain management options… 

Don’t be shy to ask. Your practitioner is there to help you. 

TIP: We also want to do our best to help you navigate your experience. See our labour induction guide here.

Share your preferences with your close ones

Okay, you’re informed. What now? Simply sit down with your loved ones and openly tell them about your preferences. 

This could include anything—how you’d like them to advocate for you, the kind of emotional support you need, whether there are any specific things they could do for you (or even comfort items they could bring). For example, they might ensure that you have your items at hand, they might monitor any changes in your schedule, they might communicate with your medical team… or they may simply be there. To listen and keep you company. 

It’s also important to let them know if you’d prefer some space or quiet at certain stages, or if you’d even appreciate encouragement during contractions… 

Share your preferences with your close ones

Okay, you’re informed. What now? Simply sit down with your loved ones and openly tell them about your preferences. 

This could include anything—how you’d like them to advocate for you, the kind of emotional support you need, whether there are any specific things they could do for you (or even comfort items they could bring). For example, they might ensure that you have your items at hand, they might monitor any changes in your schedule, they might communicate with your medical team… or they may simply be there. To listen and keep you company. 

It’s also important to let them know if you’d prefer some space or quiet at certain stages, or if you’d even appreciate encouragement during contractions… 

There’s a lot. But remember that this is your moment. Don’t be afraid to voice your needs. Letting your close ones know their roles ahead will help everyone feel prepared on the big day. 

And in the meantime, consider packing a bag with stuff that may come in handy during the induction, labour, and after the birth. 

Pack your essentials

But what are the essentials? Basically, these are the items that will keep you prepared and comfortable.

For example, a bag for you, your partner and your baby might include:
  • Comfortable clothes, PJs, loungewear and your going-home outfits
  • Toiletries—like soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste…
  • Hairbrush and hair ties
  • Comfortable underwear
  • Sanitary pads or absorbent underwear
  • Snacks! For both you and your partner—some of our favourites are mints, hard candy or gum (note: always consult snacks with your practitioner)
Let’s not forget about some comfort items:
  • Favourite pillow or blanket for both you and your support person
  • Eye mask
  • Cozy, non-slip socks or slippers
  • Massage lotion and a chapstick or lip balm
  • Battery operated candles
  • Aromatherapy lotion or oil
Entertainment items can also be helpful. And while these are even more subjective, consider:
  • Portable speaker
  • Favourite portable game (like a boardgame, deck of cards, crossword puzzles…)
  • Laptop or tablet with some movies or streaming services
  • Extra-long chargers
  • Journal or letter paper—it’s great to write about your experience (or even write a letter to your incoming little one!)
Also, we’ve got some extra tips that might work well for you:
  • Create your own special labour playlist (this is up to you—it can be purely relaxing or made to pump you up)
  • Download your favourite podcasts—these will help you focus on better thoughts (it’s generally better to go for episodes that are uplifting or amusing)
  • Try mental health or breathing apps such as Headspace, Calm or Breathwrk that might help you get through the induction process with greater ease
  • You can also try to relax with the Mindful Birth App, which offers positive affirmations, deep relaxation audio and even a contractions timer


Yes, there’s a lot. At least it certainly seems like a lot of information right now. But don’t worry. Things are never as bad as they seem. Understanding your options and preparing thoroughly—and that includes your support system—will definitely help you get through and make your experience even more (pleasantly) unique. 

So, read about cervical ripening here, discover your pain management options here or discover non-hormonal approach to induction with DILAPAN-S here

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider to address your individual needs and concerns.

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