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DILAPAN-S achieves recognition at SMFM 2024 annual pregnancy meeting

DILAPAN-S achieves recognition at SMFM 2024 annual pregnancy meeting

At the SMFM 2024 Annual Pregnancy Meeting, DILAPAN-S distinguished itself with five abstracts selected for oral presentations or poster sessions, firmly establishing its role as a novel approach in labour induction. Among the diverse research presented, two studies stood out for their insights into the efficacy of DILAPAN-S compared to other methods of cervical ripening.

Poster 1

The first, led by Antonio F. Saad et al., titled “DILAPAN-S versus Standard Methods for Cervical Ripening in Term Pregnancies: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis” (Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023;230:313, concluded that „DILAPAN-S is at least non-inferior and marginally superior in reducing cesarean delivery rates when compared to other pre-induction cervical ripening agents. The study highlighted that parity plays a significant role in its efficacy, with multiparous women benefiting the most“.

Poster 2

The second notable study, conducted by Rachel L. Wood et al., “Single-balloon catheter versus DILAPAN-S placement for outpatient cervical ripening: A single-blind randomized controlled trial” (Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023;620, found that „DILAPAN-S was non-inferior to cervical balloon catheter for outpatient cervical ripening based on change in Bishop score. Patients were significantly more satisfied with DILAPAN-S and significantly less likely to experience cervical ripening failure or have unscheduled contact with the medical team compared to single balloon catheter”.

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