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All4Maternity – rising trend of induction of labour

All4Maternity – rising trend of induction of labour

All4Maternity – the ultimate resource for maternity workers, student midwives, midwives, parents and families across the globe released an article called „Labour induction: what to consider“ dealing with options to be considered when woman is recommended for IOL.

The article overviews methods for labour induction, reviewing their administration, advantages and concerns.

Mechanical methods: A new approach?

We are really proud that synthetic osmotic dilator DILAPAN-S was recognised as promising cervical ripening agent offering benefits to overcome clinical challenges and solve unmet needs of both clinicians and expecting mothers.

„Randomised controlled trials focusing on synthetic osmotic dilators versus pharmacological methods found an increase in vaginal birth, lower pain scores and incidences of uterine tachysystole, and higher maternal satisfaction following osmotic dilator insertion, compared with pharmacological administration.“

Importance of personalized care

As we enter an unprecedented period of medicalisation of childbirth, informed choice is the key to optimal care. DILAPAN-S is enhancing the induction experience with its safety, predictability and comfort.

Read the full article

Explore the full article here.

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